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Listen To Your Heart - Blessons Women's Wellness Clinic

February is Heart Disease Awareness Month. Join Blessons for Women with Dr. Brian Hachey MD on Tuesday, Feb. 26th starting at 6pm. Symptoms of heart problems aren't always cut and dried. For instance, many people know that chest pain is a common sign of a heart attack. But lesser known symptoms, such as fatigue, shortness of breath and persistent or chronic coughing, can also signal a heart issue. Here, we'll break down symptoms of common heart conditions.

This Womne's Wellness Clinic is meant to educate and empower women through self-care and self-love. The wellness clinics are hosted by a local non-profit organization, Blessons for Women. This Women's Wellness Clinic is taking place at Blessons for Women meeting space at 405 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. The space has amenities such as Bongiornos Pizzeria. Street parking is nearby on lower Hubbard and Wabash Streets.

To learn more about the organization, visit and follow us @herblessons.